A low-invasive reactive system for Dart/Flutter.
In many frameworks, similar reactive base types are called "signals". Fundamentally, Oref has the same reactive base type as the signal concept. It is a value container that tracks dependencies when accessed and triggers side effects when changed.
What is reactivity?
Essentially, reactivity is a programming paradigm that allows us to handle changes declaratively. Many front-end frameworks emphasize its importance:
You can directly add Oref to any Dart project using this command:
dart pub add oref
Or modify your pubspec.yaml
oref: latest
Basic Usage
import 'package:oref/oref.dart';
void main() {
final count = ref(0);
final double = derived(() => count.value * 2);
final runner = effect(() {
print('count: ${count.value}, double: ${double.value}');
}, onStop: () {
print('effect stopped');
count.value = 10; // Prints 'count: 10, double: 20'
// Stop the effect
runner.effect.stop(); // Prints 'effect stopped'
count.value = 20; // No effect
// If the effect is stopped, we can run it manually once.
runner(); // Prints 'count: 20, double: 40'
count.value = 30; // No effect