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In Odroe's Setup-widget concept, "Composables" are functions that leverage Signal and lifecycle hooks and reuse stateful logic.

When building Flutter Apps, we often need to reuse logic for common tasks. For example, in order to format time in different places, we might extract a reusable date formatting function. This function encapsulates stateless logic: it takes some input and returns the desired output immediately.

In contrast, stateful logic manages state that changes over time. A simple example is tracking the current mouse position on the page. In a real application, it could also be more complex logic like touch gestures or connection status to a database.

Counter example

If we use Signal directly in the Widget to count, it will look like this:

counter() => setup(() {
     final count = signal(0);

     return () => TextButton(
         onPressed: () => count.value++,
         child: Text('Count: ${count.value}'),

But what if we want to reuse logic across multiple components? We can extract this logic to an external file or other location in the form of a combined function. Below, we use it in Setup-widget:

typedef UseCounterResult = (int Function() getter, void Function() increment);
UseCounterResult useCounter() {
     final count = signal(0);
     int getter() => count.value;
     void increment() => count.value++;

     return (getter, increment);

counter() => setup(() {
     final (count, increment) = useCounter();

     return () => TextButton(
         onPressed: increment,
         child: Text('Count: ${count()}'),

As you can see, the core logic is exactly the same. All we do is move it from inside setup to an external function and return the status data and functions we need. As in Setup-widget, you can use all lifecycle hooks and signals in composed functions. Now the functionality of useCounter can be easily reused in any Setup-widget.

What’s even cooler is that you can use other composed functions within composed functions, just like you would in setup.